A Personal Psalm

In your steadfast love, in your abounding mercy,
I see you coming, running to embrace me.
My heart throbs, my soul is overwhelmed at this thought:
My Father does not treat me according to my sin,
My Father still loves me as much as he loves his own beloved Son.
Covered in filth, your embrace strangely, mysteriously, wondrously washes me.
Your strong embrace strengthens the weakness inside of me from wandering.
I see the affection in your eyes, looking at me like I am and will remain your treasured possession,
My shame flees when you embrace me and draw me towards your heart.
Once restless, my soul now rests in my Father’s goodness.
Hungering and thirsting, my soul now feasts on your mercy.
Hardened and cold, my heart now softened and warmed by your faithfulness.
“Welcome home my beloved son, my cherished child. Welcome home.
Come inside, let us celebrate together, face to face, and invite others.
You turned from me but I never turned from you.
My heart went out to you. Now you’re home.”
Oh heart, how did you ever turn away from this love, this affection, this delight?
Learn, dear soul, the depths of love and joy and mercy in my Father’s heart.
There is never a need to turn again from the joy of his face,
And the warmth of this place.
Dear soul, this is home.