About Clay
Join me on the journey to becoming deep hearted
I'm a follower of Christ, husband to my amazing wife Liz, father to five wonderful kids ("the fearsome fivesome"), pastor, and author. A core passion of mine is to help you know the heart of God, engage the story of your own heart, and equip you to pursue the heart of others through curiosity and empathy. Bernard of Clairvaux (d. 1153), who greatly influenced Luther, Calvin, and many others, said that when we do these three things, we have come to have "a deep heart." I'm still on that journey and I hope you'll join me along the way.
-Clay Werner

About the Blog
There are many things I enjoy in life but helping others pursue a deep heart and creating stories to help others understand the gospel better are two of them. To that end this blog will have imperfect reflections on pursuing deep-heartedness along with gospel-centered illustrations I've enjoyed throughout my ministry. Feel free to toss me a note if you ever want to get in touch (claywerner@gmail.com).
artwork "broken heart being restored in the depths" by Jonathan Bailey (https://jbailey-art.weebly.com)